Lifeboat Initiative
The pandemic has exacerbated the impact of weaknesses in workplace culture on job satisfaction, burnout, and employee wellbeing. This trend has played out across industries in the form of a historical labor shortage, with employees citing burnout as one of the top reasons for leaving their organization.
As companies fight to retain talent and pivot into their post-pandemic strategies, leadership must evaluate the health of their workplace culture. However, due to the lack of existing systems, processes, skilled focus on behavior, and funding to support impactful healthy initiatives, employees and leadership alike are left to navigate tumultuous and unstable environments in isolation.
In response, the Behavior at Work Collaborative is launching its new initiative, Lifeboat, to throw a line to people interested in co-creating new awareness and models around healthy workplace cultures. Through this cohort model, we aspire to learn from each other through sharing experiences, generating new ideas, and practicing healthy behavior together to expand healthy practices for the post-pandemic workplace.