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The Impact of Rudeness on Medical Team


Background and objectives: Iatrogenesis often results from performance deficiencies among medical team members. Team-targeted rudeness may underlie such performance deficiencies, with individuals exposed to rude behavior being less helpful and cooperative. Our objective was to explore the impact of rudeness on the performance of medical teams. The Impact of Rudeness on Medical Teams. 9-2105


Bullying Has No Place in Health Care


Civility is a system value that improves safety in health care settings. The link between civility, workplace safety, and patient care is not a new concept. The 2004 Institute of Medicine report, “Keeping Patients Safe: Transforming the Work Environment of Nurses,” emphasizes the importance of the work environment in which nurses provide care.1 Workplace incivility that is expressed as bullying behavior is at epidemic levels. A recent Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) report on workplace violence in health care highlights the magnitude of the problem: while 21 percent of registered nurses and nursing students reported being physically assaulted, over 50 percent were verbally abused (a category that included bullying) in a 12-month period. In addition, 12 percent of emergency nurses experienced physical violence, and 59 percent experienced verbal abuse during a seven-day period. 6-2016





Roles of Physicians and Health Care System in "Difficult" Clinical Encounters


Physicians are, by definition, contributing partners in “difficult” patient-physician encounters. Although research on relevant physician qualities is limited, common themes mirror the more extensive literature on physician burnout. Focusing on primary care, we discuss physician-level factors in difficult encounters related to psychosocial attitudes and self-awareness, communication skills, and practice environments. AMA Journal of Ethics, Elizabeth S. Goldsmith, MD, MS, and Erin E. Krebs, MD, MPH, April 2017






Physician Wellness: Understanding and Preventing Burnout


The health and well-being of physicians rely on understanding the true causes of burnout and what health systems can do to help. After an individual has dedicated years to the study and training of medicine, it can be devastating to reach the point of burnout — a state of career exhaustion that can drastically affect a physician’s productivity and his or her patients’ care. 12-2016


​Hospitals are getting physician burnout and engagement all wrong Here's why


Physician burnout poses a threat to clinicians' well-being, patient care, and the hospital bottom line — and it's on the rise. Healthcare administrators are paying increasing attention to what many have deemed an epidemic of physician burnout, going so far as to enlist consultants to assess and prescribe necessary interventions. Unfortunately, many of these efforts fail to accurately diagnose — and subsequently, help heal — burnout. From Becker Hospital Review 3-27-17




Top Scientists Revamp Standards To Foster Integrity In Research


Taking a closer look at the culture that is doing the research to set standards. It's been 25 years since the National Academy of Sciences set its standards for appropriate scientific conduct, and the world of science has changed dramatically in that time. So now the academies of science, engineering, and medicine have updated their standards."We've been fond of the 'bad apple' narrative, and we're talking about switching to the barrels and the barrel makers," said committee member C.K. Gunsalus, who heads the National Center for Professional and Research Ethics at the University of Illinois. April 2017




European Agency for Safety and Health at Work


Concern about the effects of workplace violence and harassment on the health and safety of workers has been growing over the last decade. Both third-party violence and harassment may have severely negative consequences for the individuals affected and their families, co-workers, and organizations, as well as the whole society. Although this growing concern has led to better provision of information, there is still a need to improve awareness and encourage better dissemination of the proven tools and procedures to prevent and manage these occupational risks. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.



Why Sweden Beats Other Countries at Just About Everything


Healthy countries - healthy workplaces - healthy behavior. It’s really easy to do business in Sweden. So much so that it now ranks number one on the Forbes’ annual list of the Best Countries for Business. Compare that to the economic powerhouse the US, which is in 23rd place. 1-2017

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